Acapeldridge - When I Go Home

Chorus / Description : In the moment He appears and the light from heaven shines

When I Go Home Lyrics

Verse 1: 
In the moment He appears and the light from heaven shines,
I?ll forget ev?ry fear, ev?ry pain I?ll leave behind. 
Then I?ll see Him as He is and I?ll know Him as I?m known.
Ev?ry tear wiped away when I go home.

Verse 2:
Ever present is the tho?t 
that a moment waits for me 
when unworthy as I am,
His glory I will see. 
I will empty all my praise 
before my Father?s throne. 
Ev?ry tear wiped away when I go home.

Verse 3: 
If the trial I endure 
and your presence I can?t find, 
be near me, Lord, I pray, 
bring back unto my mind 
That your promises are firm 
and I?m never on my own. 
Ev?ry tear wiped away when I go home.

When I Go Home

  • Song: When I Go Home
  • Artist(s): Acapeldridge


Bible Verses for When I Go Home

Revelation 21 : 4

and he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more; neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, any more: the first things are passed away.