
Discovering the Heart of Worship: Lessons Learned from Christian Musician Evan Craft

As a Christian music worship leader, I am always looking for inspiration and guidance from those who have gone before me in the faith. One of my personal heroes is Evan Craft, a singer-songwriter who has been making waves in the Christian music scene for several years now. In this article, I would like to share with you some of the things that I have learned from Evan Craft and why he is such an important figure for me and many others in the worship community.

Who is Evan Craft?

Evan Craft was born in California, but he spent most of his childhood in Bolivia, where his parents were missionaries. It was there that he first discovered his love of music and began to pursue it as a career. In 2010, he released his first album, "Yo Soy Segundo," which quickly gained popularity in the Latin American Christian music scene. Since then, he has gone on to release several more albums and has toured extensively throughout the world, sharing his music and his faith with thousands of people.

What Makes Evan Craft a Hero?

There are several things that make Evan Craft a hero to me and many others in the worship community. One of the most important is his commitment to using his music as a tool for evangelism and discipleship. In an interview with Worship Leader Magazine, he said, "I think music is one of the most powerful ways to communicate the gospel. It's a universal language that can touch people's hearts in ways that words alone cannot."

This commitment is evident in his music, which is filled with powerful lyrics that speak to the heart of the Christian faith. His songs often deal with themes of love, grace, and redemption, and they are filled with biblical references and illustrations. For example, in his song "Be Alright," he sings, "When the storm comes and the waves are crashing / And you can't find your way / Just remember that the Lord is with you / And it's gonna be alright." This message of hope and trust in God's faithfulness is something that resonates deeply with me and many others in the worship community.

Another thing that makes Evan Craft a hero to me is his willingness to take risks and try new things. He is not content to simply rest on his past successes, but is always looking for ways to grow and evolve as an artist and as a person. For example, in 2019 he released an album called "Desesperado," which was a departure from his usual style of music. It featured a more stripped-down sound and lyrics that were more personal and introspective. This willingness to step outside of his comfort zone and take creative risks is something that I admire and strive to emulate in my own life and ministry.

Finally, Evan Craft is a hero to me because of his deep love for God and his desire to use his gifts and talents to serve Him. In everything he does, he seeks to bring glory to God and to point others towards Him. In an interview with CBN, he said, "I believe that my music is a tool that God has given me to reach people and to share His love with them. It's not about me, it's about Him." This attitude of humility and service is something that I believe is essential for anyone who wants to be a leader in the worship community.

Lessons Learned from Evan Craft

There are several important lessons that I have learned from Evan Craft that have helped me in my own ministry as a worship leader. Here are just a few of them:

1. Use your gifts and talents to serve God and others. As worship leaders, we have been given a unique platform to share our love for God and to lead others in worship. It's important that we use this platform to serve others and to bring glory to God, rather than seeking our own fame or recognition.

2. Be willing to take risks and try new things. Growth and creativity require us to step outside of our comfort zones and try new things. Whether it's experimenting with a new style of music or trying a different approach to worship leading, it's important that we embrace the unknown and trust in God's guidance.

3. Keep the focus on God. It's easy to get caught up in the performance aspect of worship leading and forget that it's ultimately about pointing people towards God. We need to constantly remind ourselves that we are simply vessels for God's message, and that He is the one who deserves all the glory and honor.

4. Embrace your identity as a child of God. In a world that often values success and fame above all else, it's important that we remember that our true identity is found in our relationship with God. As Evan Craft says in his song "Be Alright," "You are a child of God / You are loved, you are enough." This message of identity and worth in God's eyes is something that we need to constantly remind ourselves of, both as worship leaders and as individuals.


In conclusion, Evan Craft is a true hero of the faith and a powerful inspiration to many in the worship community. His commitment to using his music as a tool for evangelism and discipleship, his willingness to take risks and try new things, and his deep love for God and desire to serve Him are all qualities that we should strive to emulate in our own lives and ministries. May we always remember that our ultimate goal as worship leaders is to point others towards God and to bring glory to His name.

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