
Discovering the Lessons of Nativity through Hymns of Worship

As we approach the Christmas season, it is essential to reflect on the meaning of the nativity and what it teaches us. The hymns of Nativity are a great resource that can help us learn and connect with the story of Christ's birth. In this article, we will explore the lessons we can learn from these hymns and how we can apply them to our lives.

The Hymn of the Shepherds

One of the most famous hymns of Nativity is "Angels We Have Heard on High." This hymn tells the story of the shepherds who were visited by angels who announced the birth of Jesus. The hymn captures the awe and wonder that the shepherds must have felt as they witnessed this miraculous event.

As a worship leader, I often reflect on the lyrics of this hymn and the message it conveys. The shepherds were ordinary men who were given the privilege of witnessing the birth of the Savior. This reminds us that God chooses to use ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. We do not have to be perfect or have it all together to be used by God. He can use us just as we are.

The hymn also reminds us of the importance of worship. The shepherds' response to the angels' message was to go and worship the newborn King. Worship is not just something we do on Sundays; it is a lifestyle of surrender and adoration. We can learn from the shepherds' example and make worship a priority in our lives.

The Hymn of Mary

Another hymn of Nativity that teaches us important lessons is "Mary, Did You Know?" This hymn asks Mary, the mother of Jesus, if she knew the significance of her son's birth. It explores the idea that Mary may not have fully understood the impact that her son would have on the world.

As we sing this hymn, we can reflect on the fact that God's ways are higher than ours. Mary may not have fully understood the implications of her son's birth, but she trusted God's plan. This reminds us that we do not always have to understand everything that God is doing in our lives. We can trust Him and have faith that He is working all things together for our good.

The hymn also highlights the miraculous nature of Christ's birth. Mary gave birth to the Savior of the world, and this is something that should fill us with wonder and amazement. It reminds us that our God is a God of miracles and that nothing is impossible for Him.

The Hymn of the Wise Men

"O Come, All Ye Faithful" is a hymn of Nativity that tells the story of the wise men who traveled from afar to worship the newborn King. This hymn reminds us of the importance of seeking after God with all our hearts.

The wise men were not content with their comfortable lives and sought after something more significant. They were willing to go to great lengths to find the King of kings. This teaches us that we must be willing to make sacrifices and pursue God with all our hearts if we want to find Him.

The hymn also emphasizes the joy that comes from worshiping the Savior. The wise men were filled with joy when they found Jesus, and this joy is something that we can experience as well. When we worship God with all our hearts, we can experience a joy that surpasses all understanding.

The Hymn of the Angels

Finally, "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" is a hymn of Nativity that teaches us about the significance of Christ's birth. The hymn describes the angels' message and announces the arrival of the Savior.

As we sing this hymn, we can reflect on the fact that Christ's birth was a game-changer. It marked the beginning of a new era and brought hope to a world that was lost in darkness. The hymn reminds us that Jesus came to save us from our sins and to give us eternal life.

The hymn also highlights the importance of spreading the message of Christ's birth. The angels proclaimed the good news to the shepherds, and they, in turn, shared it with others. This reminds us that we have a responsibility to share the message of Christ's love with those around us.


In conclusion, the hymns of Nativity are a powerful tool that can help us connect with the story of Christ's birth. As we sing these hymns, we can learn important lessons about worship, faith, sacrifice, joy, and the significance of Christ's birth. These lessons are as relevant today as they were over 2,000 years ago.

As a worship leader, I am continually inspired by the message of these hymns and the impact they have on people's lives. I encourage you to take some time this Christmas season to reflect on the hymns of Nativity and the lessons they teach. May these hymns inspire you to worship God with all your heart and to share the message of Christ's love with those around you.

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