
The Belonging Co: Creating Powerful Worship Music to Connect with God

As Christians, worship is an essential aspect of our faith. It is a way for us to connect with God, express our gratitude, and seek His presence. Christian music worship leaders play a crucial role in leading the congregation in worship. They create an atmosphere that allows people to experience God's love and grace in a profound way.

One such worship team that has been making waves in the Christian music industry is The Belonging Co. Based in Nashville, Tennessee, The Belonging Co is a community of worshippers who are passionate about creating music that inspires people to connect with God.

In this article, we will take a behind-the-scenes look at The Belonging Co and explore what makes their music unique. We'll also delve into some of their most popular songs and the stories behind them.

The Belonging Co: A Community of Worshippers

The Belonging Co was founded in 2014 by Henry Seeley and his wife, Alex Seeley. Henry, who is originally from Australia, had a vision to create a community of worshippers who would gather together to seek God's presence and make music that would impact the world.

Today, The Belonging Co is a thriving community of worshippers who are dedicated to creating music that reflects their love for God. Their music is a unique blend of contemporary Christian and pop music, with powerful lyrics that speak to the heart.

What Makes The Belonging Co's Music Unique?

One of the things that set The Belonging Co's music apart is their focus on creating an atmosphere of worship. They believe that worship is not just about singing songs but about encountering God's presence and experiencing His love.

Their music is characterized by powerful lyrics that speak to the heart and a sound that is both contemporary and uplifting. They use a variety of instruments and sounds to create a unique sound that is both energetic and calming.

Some of The Belonging Co's most popular songs include "Peace Be Still," "All The Earth," and "Hosanna." These songs have resonated with people all over the world and have become anthems of worship in many churches.

The Stories Behind The Belonging Co's Songs

One of the things that make The Belonging Co's music so powerful is the stories behind their songs. Each song is born out of a personal experience or encounter with God that has impacted the lives of the worship team.

For example, the song "Peace Be Still" was inspired by a storm that Henry and Alex Seeley experienced while on a boat ride. As the storm raged around them, they felt God's peace and presence in a profound way. This experience inspired them to write the song, which has become a powerful anthem of peace and trust in God.

Similarly, the song "All The Earth" was born out of a desire to express the beauty and majesty of God's creation. The lyrics speak of the wonder of God's handiwork and the way that it points us back to Him.

Finally, the song "Hosanna" is a powerful declaration of Jesus' victory over sin and death. The lyrics speak of His triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the way that He has overcome the powers of darkness.


The Belonging Co is a community of worshippers who are passionate about creating music that inspires people to connect with God. Their music is characterized by powerful lyrics, a unique sound, and a focus on creating an atmosphere of worship.

As Christians, we are called to worship God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. The Belonging Co's music is a powerful tool that can help us to do just that. It reminds us of God's love, grace, and faithfulness and helps us to connect with Him in a profound way.

So, the next time you are in a worship service, take a moment to appreciate the music and the worship leader who is leading you. Let the music inspire you to connect with God in a deeper way and experience His love and grace in a profound way.

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