Melissa Helser is a talented singer, songwriter, and worship leader who has made a significant impact in the Christian music industry. Born on December 20, 1980, in Alexandria, Indiana, Melissa grew up with a deep love for music and a passion for worship. Melissa's musical journey began at a young age when she started singing in church and school choirs. Her unique and powerful voice quickly caught the attention of those around her, and she soon realized that music was her calling. Melissa began writing her own songs and leading worship at various events and gatherings. In 2003, Melissa married Jonathan David Helser, who is also a talented musician and worship leader. Together, they formed the duo Jonathan David & Melissa Helser and began releasing music that deeply resonated with listeners. Their heartfelt and authentic approach to worship quickly gained a devoted following. Melissa and Jonathan released their first album, "On the Shores," in 2010. The album featured powerful songs of worship and received critical acclaim within the Christian music community. It was followed by their second album, "Endless Ocean, Bottomless Sea," in 2012, which further solidified their place in the industry. One of Melissa's most popular songs is "No Longer Slaves," which she co-wrote with Jonathan. The song has become an anthem of freedom and identity for many believers around the world. Its raw and honest lyrics, combined with Melissa's powerful vocals, have made it a staple in worship services and gatherings. Throughout her career, Melissa has collaborated with other well-known Christian artists, such as Steffany Gretzinger and Amanda Cook. Together, they have released powerful worship songs that have touched the lives of countless people. In addition to her musical pursuits, Melissa is also a speaker and teacher. She has a passion for encouraging and equipping others to live a life of worship and intimacy with God. Melissa and Jonathan frequently travel to different churches and conferences, where they lead worship and share their heart for God and His people. Melissa's discography includes several albums with Jonathan David & Melissa Helser, including "Beautiful Surrender" (2016), "Cageless" (2018), and "Revival's in the Air" (2020). Each album showcases Melissa's incredible vocal range and her ability to create songs that connect with listeners on a deep spiritual level. Throughout her career, Melissa has received numerous awards and nominations for her music. She has been recognized for her exceptional talent and her ability to create music that impacts and inspires. Her contributions to the Christian music industry have not gone unnoticed, and she continues to be a respected and influential figure in the worship community. Melissa and Jonathan are known for their passionate and authentic worship style. They believe in creating an atmosphere of freedom and vulnerability where people can encounter God in a powerful way. Their music and ministry have touched the lives of many, and they are dedicated to using their gifts to bring glory to God and draw others closer to Him. In conclusion, Melissa Helser is a gifted singer, songwriter, and worship leader who has made a significant impact in the Christian music industry. With her powerful vocals and heartfelt lyrics, she has created music that resonates with listeners and draws them into a deeper worship experience. Melissa's passion for God and her desire to lead others into His presence are evident in her music and ministry. As she continues to release new music and share her heart with the world, Melissa Helser remains a beloved and respected figure in the Christian music community.
Official Links
Official Facebook Page @helsers
Official Twitter Page Melissa Helser @jonathanhelser
Country of Origin United States
Official Website