Chorus / Description : Beautiful Saviour praises Jesus as the divine King and source of joy, celebrating His glory, presence, and love, while emphasizing worship and adoration.
Beautiful Saviour
King of Creation
Son of God and Son of Man
Truly I'd Love Thee
Truly I'd Serve Thee
Light of My Soul
My joy and crown
Fair is the sunshine
Fair is the moonlight
Bright the sparkling stars on high
Jesus shine brighter
Jesus shines purer
Than all the angels in the sky
Glory to God in the Highest
Glory to God in the Highest
Emmanuel He is with us
Glory to God in the Highest
Beautiful Saviour
Lord of the Nations
Son of God and Son of Man
Glory and Honour
Praise adoration
Now and forever more be thine
Glory to God in the Highest
Glory to God in the Highest
Glory to God in the Highest