Jeremy Riddle - To Be Like You

Chorus / Description : Experience the transformative power of Jeremy Riddle's heartfelt lyrics in 'To Be Like You'. Discover the longing to reflect the love and purity of God, and embrace the change that comes from within. Let this powerful song inspire and uplift your spirit today.

To Be Like You Lyrics

Holy You are
Perfect and pure You are
Everything right You are
Yes, You are

Broken am I
Full of discord am I
Hungry for change am I
Oh, am I

Oh, to be like You
Oh, to reflect the God I know
The love You've shown
This is my longing
This is my deepest, strongest plea
Lord, change me

Would You change me?
Would You change me?

Love You are
Spirit and truth You are
Everything right/good You are
Yes, You are

Humbled am I
Contrite of spirit am I
Open to You am I
Oh, am I

To Be Like You Video

  • Song: To Be Like You
  • Artist(s): Jeremy Riddle
