The Altar Music - Follow the Lamb

Chorus / Description : I will follow the lamb where he

May the lamb receive
the reward of
his suffering
Every voice, we sing,
the reward of
his suffering

Follow the Lamb Lyrics

In triumph or in trial
Whatever comes my way

I will follow the lamb where he

When my cup is empty
or when it overflows

I will follow the lamb where he

May the lamb receive
the reward of
his suffering
Every voice, we sing,
the reward of
his suffering

In life or in death,

With every breath
I will follow the lamb where he

In joy or in sorrow
This one thing I know

I will follow the lamb where he

May the lamb receive
the reward of
his suffering
Every voice, we sing,
the reward of
his suffering

Today and tomorrow
All the rest of my days

I will follow the lamb where he

In beauty or ashes

I have this hope

I will follow the lamb where he

May the lamb receive
the reward of
his suffering
Every voice, we sing,
the reward of
his suffering

Hallelujah, oh what a savior
There is no end to him
Hallelujah, oh what a privilege

it is to follow him

May the lamb receive
the reward of
his suffering
Every voice, we sing,
the reward of
his suffering

Follow the Lamb Video

  • Song: Follow the Lamb
  • Artist(s): The Altar Music
