Chorus / Description :
You carry me when some carry there Gods
You feed me Lord when some feed there Gods
You fight for me when some fight for there Gods
Jesus You no dey use me play oh
Jesus You no dey use me play oh
You carry me when some carry there Gods
You feed me Lord when some feed there Gods
You fight for me when some fight for there Gods
Jesus You no dey use me play oh
You carry me when some carry there Gods
You feed me Lord when some feed there Gods
You fight for me when some fight for there Gods
Jesus You no dey use me play oh
Jesus You no dey use me play oh
English Translation:
You carry me when some carry there Gods
You take care of me like a sheep
When others feed their Gods
You never allow me to be put to shame
King of kings, there's no other God like You
You are the God that changes all situation
Great and mighty God
The all knowing God that has the final say
King of kings, who you cry to ad He will come
And do more than Your expectations
The covenant keeping God
There's nobody like You
There's no mountain that can't be moved
in Your name, the endless God
You deserve my and lifting of our hands
Life giver life changer
Jehovah the covenant keeping God
Destiny maker oh
Mountain mover
Jehovah the covenant keeping God
Life giver life changer
Jehovah the covenant keeping God
Destiny maker oh
Mountain mover
Jehovah the covenant keeping God
Life giver life changer
Jehovah the covenant keeping God
Destiny maker oh
Mountain mover
Jehovah the covenant keeping God