Pastor Chingtok Ishaku, a renowned Nigerian gospel artist and minister, was born on October 19, 1974, in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. He is widely recognized for his powerful and anointed worship songs that have touched the hearts of many believers around the world. Growing up in a Christian family, Pastor Chingtok Ishaku developed a deep love for music and ministry from an early age. He began singing in church choirs and participating in various music competitions, showcasing his exceptional vocal abilities. As he grew older, his passion for worship deepened, and he dedicated his life to spreading the message of God's love through music. In addition to his musical talents, Pastor Chingtok Ishaku is also a highly esteemed pastor and teacher of the Word. He holds a bachelor's degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Jos and has pursued further studies in theology and ministry. His knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures have greatly influenced his music, resulting in profound and impactful lyrics. Pastor Chingtok Ishaku released his debut album, titled "Let Your Glory Fall," in 2005. The album was well-received and quickly gained popularity within the Nigerian gospel music scene. His unique style of worship, characterized by passionate vocals and heartfelt lyrics, resonated with listeners and drew them into a deeper encounter with God's presence. Since then, Pastor Chingtok Ishaku has released several albums, including "The Worship Expressions" and "Sound of Worship." Each album showcases his growth as an artist and minister, as he continues to explore different musical styles and experiment with new sounds. His songs are known for their ability to create an atmosphere of worship and invite listeners to experience the overwhelming presence of God. Some of Pastor Chingtok Ishaku's most popular songs include "Overflow," "My Peace," and "The Overflow." These songs have become anthems in many churches, with their powerful melodies and poignant lyrics resonating with believers worldwide. The lyrics of his songs often reflect his deep reverence for God and desire to see His Kingdom established on earth. Pastor Chingtok Ishaku's music has not only garnered critical acclaim but has also been recognized with numerous awards. He has received multiple nominations and has won several prestigious gospel music awards, including the Africa Gospel Music Awards and the Crystal Awards. These accolades serve as a testament to his talent and the impact of his music within the gospel music industry. In addition to his music career, Pastor Chingtok Ishaku is actively involved in ministry and frequently ministers at conferences, churches, and events both in Nigeria and internationally. He is known for his dynamic and anointed preaching, which often accompanies his music ministry. His messages are rooted in the Word of God and focus on issues such as worship, revival, and the Kingdom of God. Pastor Chingtok Ishaku's ministry has touched the lives of countless individuals, and his music continues to inspire and uplift believers around the world. Through his songs, he encourages listeners to draw closer to God and experience His overwhelming love and presence. His deep commitment to worship and ministry has made him an influential figure within the gospel music industry and a beloved pastor and teacher of the Word. As Pastor Chingtok Ishaku continues to release new music and minister to people globally, his impact on the body of Christ is sure to grow. His dedication to worship and his unwavering faith in God's power and love shine through in every song he sings. With a heart that longs to see people encounter the presence of God, Pastor Chingtok Ishaku is truly a blessing to the world of gospel music and ministry.
Official Links
Official Facebook Page n.a
Official Twitter Page n.a.
Country of Origin n.a.
Official Website