Allstars Kids Club - The Blessing

Chorus / Description : The Lord bless you
And keep you
Make his face shine upon you
And be gracious to you
The Lord turn His face towards you
And give you peace

The Blessing Lyrics

The Lord bless you
And keep you
Make his face shine upon you
And be gracious to you
The Lord turn His face towards you
And give you peace


May His favor be upon you
And a thousand generations
And your family
And your children
And their children
And their children

May His presence go before you
And behind you, and beside you
All around you
And within you
He is with you
He is with you

In the morning, in the evening
In your coming, and your going

In your weeping
And rejoicing
He is for you

He is for you

Produced by Simon Parry
Music Production: Simon Parry
Strings Arrangement: Tyler Smith
Guitars: Zachary Manno & Dan Warlow
Recorded (in Lockdown) at AllstarsKidsClub Studios (and on mobile phones around the world!)

Pete Sheath (
Brett Owen
Si Parry (AllstarsKidsClub)

See Also:
The Blessing - Elevation Worship + Kari Jobe + Cody Carnes

  • Song: The Blessing
  • Artist(s): Allstars Kids Club
