Chorus / Description :
Yoruba: Mawu Gbagbe akpe na wò
(Thank you living God)
Mawu Gbagbe akpe na wò
(Thank you living God)
Woe nye Fiawodzifia
(You are King of kings)
Woe nye ŋutikɔkɔe fia
(You are the King of Holiness)
Mawu Gbagbe akpe na wò
(Thank you living God)
Mawu Gbagbe akpe na w�
(Thank you living God)
Mawu Gbagbe akpe na w�
(Thank you living God)
Woe nye Fiawodzifia
(You are King of kings)
Woe nye ?utik?k?e fia
(You are the King of Holiness)
Mawu Gbagbe akpe na w�
(Thank you living God)
Woe nye Mawu
(You are God)
Woe nye Mawu
(You are God)
Woe nye Mawu yi mav? me
(You are an everlasting God)
Mawu Gbagbe akpe na w�
(Thank you living God)
Mawu Gbagbe akpe na w�
(Thank you living God)
O Gb?gb? k?k?e
(O Holy Spirit)
O kpl?la nyuit?
(O perfect guide)
Nusi n�w? ta
(For what you?ve done)
Mi�kafu w�
(We?ll praise)
Miadzi "hale" haleluya
(We?ll sing hallelujah)
Nusi n�w? ta
(For what you?ve done)
Mi�kafu w�
(We?ll praise)
Miadzi "hale" haleluya
(We?ll sing hallelujah)
O honhom k?nkr?n
(O Holy Spirit)
Oguanhw?fo pa
(The good shepherd)
Nea W'ay? nti
(For what you?ve done)
Y? kanfo wo
(We praise you)
Y? to "hale" haleluya
(We?ll sing Halellujah)
Nea W'aye nti
(For what you?ve done)
Y? kanfo wo
(We praise you)
Y? to "hale" haleluya
(We?ll sing Halellujah)