Chorus / Description :
Hosanna in the highest,
Water You turned into wine,
One thing remains,
Into the darkness You shine,
Our God is greater,
Lord You are awesome,
One thing remains
Hosanna in the highest
Let our King be lifted high Hosanna
Water You turned into wine
Open 'the eyes of the blind
There's no one like You
None like You
Into the darkness You shine
Out of the ashes we rise
There's no one like You
None like You
Our God is greater
Our God is stronger
God You are higher
Than any other
Our God is healer
Awesome in power
Our God, Our God
And if Our God is for us
Then who could ever stop us
And if Our God is with us
Then what could stand against us
Our God is greater
Our God is stronger
God You are higher
Than any other
Our God is healer
Awesome in power
Our God, Our God
Lord, You are awesome
Lord, You are awesome
Lord, You are awesome
You are the reason I'm living
Woke me up this morning
Started me on my way
You are the life that I need
The future that I see
None compares to You
Lord, You are awesome
Lord, You are awesome
Lord, You are awesome
If it wasn't for Your love
If it wasn't for Your grace
I don't where I'de be without You
Higher than the mountains that I face
Stronger than the power of the grave
Constant in the trial and the change
One thing remains
One thing remains
Your love never fails
It never gives up
Never runs out on me
Your love
On and on and on
And on it goes
It overwhelms and satisfies my soul
And I never ever have to be afraid
One thing remains
One thing remains
Your love never fails
It never gives up
Never runs out on me
Your love, Your love