Sovereign Grace Music - Forgiven

Chorus / Description : Forgiven, forgiven
Through the blood of Christ
We are forgiven

Forgiven Lyrics

Lord, forgive us for our pride
When our faith becomes a show
Dressed in righteous deeds to hide
All the stains below
We have judged Your sons and daughters
For the sin that is our own
May we now forgive each other
And lay down our stones

Forgiven, forgiven
Through the blood of Christ
We are forgiven

Lord, forgive us for our love
Of the things we wish to own
We forsake the feast above
For all the crumbs below
Though You?ve made us sons and daughters
We do not the world disown
May we find our greatest treasure
Is in You alone

Lord, forgive us for our shame
When we can?t release the past
When we?re quick to take the blame
But forget we?re free at last
We avoid Your sons and daughters
For the fear we don?t belong
Give us eyes to see each other
Through Your only Son

Forgiven Video

  • Song: Forgiven
  • Artist(s): Sovereign Grace Music


Bible Verses for Forgiven

Psalms 86 : 5

For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in lovingkindness unto all them that call upon thee.

Psalms 130 : 3

If thou, Jehovah, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?

Psalms 130 : 4

But there is forgiveness with thee, That thou mayest be feared.

Ephesians 1 : 7

in whom we have our redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,

Ephesians 2 : 13

But now in Christ Jesus ye that once were far off are made nigh in the blood of Christ.

Ephesians 2 : 14

For he is our peace, who made both one, and brake down the middle wall of partition,