Tim Godfrey - Akaah

Chorus / Description : Jesus obu gi nwe akah
For all You've done
and all You will do
Jesus obu gi nwe akaah

Akaah Lyrics

Jesus obu gi nwe akah 
For all You've done 
and all You will do 
Jesus obu gi nwe akah 

Jesus obu gi nwe akah 
For all You've done 
and all You will do 
Jesus obu gi nwe akah 

Agam eburu aleluya e buru 
Agam para aleluya para 

Jesus obu gi nwe akaah 
For all You've done 
and all You will do 
Jesus obu gi nwe akah 

Tim Godfrey - Akaah (Official Video)

  • Song: Akaah
  • Artist(s): Tim Godfrey
