PlanetBoom - The Message

Chorus / Description : The song emphasizes that Jesus has always been God's plan, and the Church (the Body of Christ) is a significant part of that plan. We are united, powerful, and called to make a difference in the world together as the JC Squad.

The Message Lyrics

God had a plan from the beginning...
Before me and you, before 2020, before viruses, actually before sickness at all...
Before Adam and Eve, even before the world was created...
Jesus was always the plan

He was never God's "plan B"...
He is the Lamb slain before the world was created...
Which means that before sin was even a problem, He was already the solution
Before we even had sickness, He was already our healer. He Is The story.

The headline for eternity...
The centre of everything...
The beginning and the end. It's always been about Jesus.

But get this...
If Christ was always the plan...
Then the Body of Christ was too
I'm talking about me and you
I'm talking about the Church

Not just a building...
Not just a good idea...
God's idea from the beginning
We are the Bride, the Body, the Family, the Army...
We are the JC Squad

Man's ideas didn't start this...
And man's ideas will never be able to stop this...
Jesus Himself said He would build this...
And not even the gates of hell would be able to keep this out
This is His church and we are the next generation...

We're a part of something so much bigger than ourselves and every single one of us count
No matter where you are in the world and what challenges you might be facing...
You're not alone in this, you're not isolated...
You're significant and you belong
We're in this together - united by our faith in Jesus
This is His story, but He's written-in a role that only you could play

This isn't the time to stay silent, it's not the time to hold back or retreat
It's not the time to let our differences define us
It's time to step up again as His Church

We're passionate, we're powerful
We're united, we're victorious
We're unshakable and we were born for this
We praise together, we pray together
We laugh together, we cry together
We grow together while we stick together...
We'll reach the world together
We are the JC Squad

The Message (sqd live)

  • Song: The Message
  • Artist(s): PlanetBoom
