Chorus / Description :
There's no place I would rather be
No place I would rather be
No place I would rather be
Than here in Your love, here in Your love
There's no place I would rather be
No place I would rather be
No place I would rather be
Than here in Your love, here in Your love
Set a fire down in my soul
That I can't contain and I can't control
'Cause I want more of You, God
I want more of You God
Kindle that flame
Burning deep, deep down
Change me, make me new
Fire is consuming, burning, bright, hot. It is used to shape, refine, purify, consume, for heat, for light. When I ask God to set a fire down in my soul, this means I want Him to light a burning flame that consumes all I am, from the inside out. I want the source of this fire to burn from deep within me, in the farthest caverns of my heart. I want to be completely overtaken by His refining, purifying, consuming, bright fire.
Fire also means ardor. Ardor means passion, love, enthusiasm, zeal, fervor, eagerness, and devotion. When I sing this song, my prayer is that passion and love for God would overwhelm and consume me like fire from within. I want it to overtake me in a way that I can’t help but to be completely free and overflowing with it.
To ask for this fire to be uncontainable, uncontrollable is to say, “I don’t want to limit Your Spirit’s work in my heart. Have Your way, all the way.”
God will set a fire within us when we allow His Holy Spirit to enter in without restriction and then fill us beyond capacity. This means letting go of fear, surrendering, yielding, and trusting Him. And we trust Him because we trust His character. If God is true to His Word, and true to Who He says He is, then I can put all my confidence and faith in Him without reservation.
I want more of You God
I want more of You God
This passion and love, this fire, this freedom to allow the Holy Spirit to work in my heart without restriction is all fueled by one desire:
“He must become greater; I must become less” (John 3:30).
By saying we want more of God, it means we must have some already, but not enough. 🙂 This is awesome! How could we ever think we have enough of God? I see who God is and the more I know Him, the more I love who He is and want to be like Him. I want more of His character, more of His presence, more of His Spirit.
To desire to be filled with more of God also means there is a place in us that needs Him. I need Him. I see the condition of myself and how I need so much more to be transformed into having His character and thoughts. The more I get to know God, the more I realize He is all I need, all I could ever desire. I need to be filled with more of Him, because without Him I am and have nothing. And in this life, my Heavenly Father, my Creator, my Savior God is the only one who can truly satisfy all this heart longs for. He is everything.
Just one glimpse at who He is, just one more thought to understanding His character, just one taste of His goodness only causes my hunger for more of Him to increase. Jesus said in Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”
When we hunger, desire, thirst for more of God and to be filled…
God satisfies.
“For He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107:9).
We have many thirsts, and our hearts desire to be filled with good things. But we will never will find it in anything else but the One who created us with that desire. God made us to have relationship with Him and through that relationship make our hearts whole.
Hunger and and thirst are symbolic of desire, need, what we want. For every hunger and thirst, there is one thing we have to do: come to Jesus. He said, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:48). He has already invited us unto Himself. “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink” (John 7:37 ).
No place I would rather be
than here in Your love
When we are filled with more of God, when He satisfies our soul…we will never want anything less. Nothing else compares to the real thing. We search for happiness, but genuine joy from the Lord fills us in a way that nothing else that has brought us through momentarily happiness.
This part of the song to me expresses one desire that erases all others: longing for His presence. To abide. To just be with Him. To delight in His love.
It’s such an awesome thing to just receive God’s love. The focus of my life as a disciple of Christ has been to live a life of love, but it’s impossible without first simply receiving the perfect, unconditional love of God, and abiding daily in that love.
God has created everything and the universe belongs to Him. He holds all time in His hands. And He wants to spend it with us! This is just incredible to me. We are Sons and Daughters of the King of Heaven. God, whom everything belongs to, chose to give us Himself so we may have all things in Him. Just let that sink it.
Through Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection, He made a way to give us full redemption into intimate relationship with Him forever. He wants to spend eternity with us. He loves us. He wants us to receive that love.
God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). May He be the fire that sets our hearts aflame.
God, You are so amazing. Set us on fire with consuming passion and love. Holy Spirit, overtake all we are. We believe in who You are and know You are good. We need You to come and fill us, Jesus. Have Your way in our hearts and in our lives. We surrender all we are. Remove anything within us that is not of You. Refine us, purify us. Our hearts yearn for only You. In Your presence we are satisfied. We receive Your love. I pray Your love overflows out of us and Your light shines into the darkness. You are so wonderful, and we love You Lord.
From :
For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, Than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.