William Mcdowell - When You Walk Into The Room

Chorus / Description : When you walk into the room
Every heart starts burning
And nothing matters more
Than just to sit here at your feet and worship
Our father, we worship you

When You Walk Into The Room Lyrics

When you walk into the room
Everything changes
Darkness starts to tremble
At the light that you bring

When you walk into the room
Every heart starts burning
And nothing matters more
Than just to sit here at your feet and worship
Our father, we worship you

When you walk into the room
Everything changes
Darkness starts to tremble
At the light that you bring

When you walk into the room
Every heart starts burning
And nothing matters more
Than just to sit here at your feet and worship you
Oh, yes, we worship you, oh

We love you
We'll never stop
Can't live without you, Jesus
We love you
Can't get enough
All this is for you, Jesus

Everything's for you, Lord
This is for you, Lord
This is for you, Lord

When you walk into the room
Sickness starts to vanish
And every hopeless situation ceases to exist

When you walk into the room
The dead begin to rise
The dead begin to rise
And there is resurrection life in all you do

Say we love you
We love you
We'll never stop
Can't live without you, Jesus
We love
We love you
Can't get enough
We can't get enough
All this is for you, Jesus

Say we love you
We love you
And we'll never stop
We'll never stop
Can't live without you, Jesus
We love you
Can't get enough
All this is for you, Jesus

When you walk into the room
Sickness starts to vanish
And every hopeless situation ceases to exist

When you walk into the room
The dead begin to rise
The dead begin to rise
That's right
And there is resurrection life in all you do

Somebody say it

Say we love you
We love you
We'll never stop
Can't live without you, Jesus
We love you
We love you
With all my heart
Can't get enough
All this
All this is for you, Jesus

Oh, god,
Oh, god,
Oh, this is for you
All this is for you, Jesus

All this
All this is for you, Jesus
We're gonna say one more time
One more time

Say we love you
We love you
And we'll never stop
We'll never stop
Can't live without you, Jesus
We love you
Can't get enough
All this is for you, Jesus

Say we love you
We love you
Sing along
And we'll never stop
We'll never stop
Can't live without you, Jesus
We love you
We love you
We can't get enough
Can't get enough
All this is for you
All this is for you, Jesus

Sing we love you
We love you
We'll never stop
Can't live without you, Jesus
We love you
Can't get enough
All this is for you, Jesus

Say all this
All this is for you, Jesus

Say all this
All this is for you, Jesus

[Repeat until the end:]
I give it all

If saving anything tonight we're not gonna save it anymore
Every ounce of worship that you've been saving
Every ounce of worship that you've been saving

There's nothing worth more than him
There's nothing worth more than him
I dare you lose yourself in this room tonight

You are worthy
You are worthy

  • Song: When You Walk Into The Room
  • Artist(s): William Mcdowell + Trinity Anderson


Bible Verses for When You Walk Into The Room

John 12 : 36

While ye have the light, believe on the light, that ye may become sons of light. These things spake Jesus, and he departed and hid himself from them.

Deuteronomy 6 : 7

and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Deuteronomy 11 : 19

And ye shall teach them your children, talking of them, when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

1st Peter 1 : 15

but like as he who called you is holy, be ye yourselves also holy in all manner of living;